martes, 21 de mayo de 2019

Important links

As you already know, in this web you will discover the main characters of American Dad! However, there are many webpages where you can find more information about American Dad! or even watch some of the episodes of the program which will be commented below. Finally, it will be shown a presentation of the main characters and the best episodes of American Dad!.

Below, you can find some of these webpages for those of you who are interested in the TV show.

1. American Dad! wiki. In this webpage you can find a list of all episodes of the TV show, a description of the main characters and the last news of American Dad!.

2. IMDb. In this webpage are available all the episodes of American Dad!

3. AllGreatQuotes. In this webpage you can read some of the best quotes of the characters of American Dad!.

4. ITV. All episodes of American Dad! are also available in this webpage.

5. Presentation of the main characters and the best episodes of American Dad!

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